Wednesday, January 30, 2013

before sunrise response

There is no such thing as love at first sight it is lust at first sight." love" at first sight can be defined as a feeling or connection through what you see- they feeling of wanting to go nearer to that person has nothing to do with 10 years from now but all to do with 10 minutes from now. that is  how it often plays out in a romantic comedy these days they two main characters feel a sexual attraction to one another and begin a flirtation and within the first half of the movie have had sex near the end of the film after the conflict has been resolved the two have fallen in love and live happily ever-after.  In this film the two main characters talked to each other  and got to know intimate details about the other and it wasn't until near the end of the film that topic of sex even came up. the conversation resulted in the discussion of what sex can mean and how it will change their relationship.  Celine says "Actually, I think I had decided I wanted to sleep with you when we got off the train. But now that we've talked so much, I don't know anymore. " this line completely encompasses the difference between falling in love through conversation and love at first sight. after you get to know someone you care about how your actions will effect them and want to prevent hurting them. With love at first sight  lust rules ones actions, the feeling of the other is less significant then ones selfish desire. That is why there is often a conflict in today's romantic comedy's  the selfish desire ending up hurting the other.  love is more then just a single moment when you first meet. that is never love that is desire love is what  Celine says "When you talked earlier about after a few years how a couple would begin to hate each other by anticipating their reactions or getting tired of their mannerisms-I think it would be the opposite for me. I think I can really fall in love when I know everything about someone-the way he's going to part his hair, which shirt he's going to wear that day, knowing the exact story he'd tell in a given situation. I'm sure that's when I know I'm really in love."  

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