Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Annie hall

" Well, I guess that's pretty much now how I feel about relationships; y'know, they're totally irrational, and crazy, and absurd, and... but, uh, I guess we keep goin' through it because, uh, most of us... need the eggs" 

Alvy says this after telling a joke about a man who thinks he is a chicken. the closing narration in the film speaks a truth about many relationships. so often we get involved in relationships  because at a certain age we feel that it is almost socially unacceptable not to be paired up with someone. we being a search for a companion before we even know what it is we want, only to decide later why the relationship isn't working. if the relationship is particularly bad  the person you spent all that time with gets reduced to their faults and maybe even get a nick name. some of my friends have reduced exs to names to things  like Guitar girl, the Lesbian, the Frat guy, and the Derp.  later the faults of the past relationships are used to propel us into the arms of  another, someone very different. we test out suitors  to see  if they could possibly be the  missing piece. often times its like forcing a square peg in a round hole. we continue to do it any way because we need the egg. we need desire and hope it will evolve into passionate love. Woody Allen's film is refreshing because the relationship doesn't work out in the end and neither is awfully heart broken but take a little something with them for when they enter  a new relationship. it is realistic and the complications and insecurities of   the two main characters  are relatable. they both constantly  wonder if there personality's mesh and if it will be worth the sacrifice to have to do things that are inevitably outside of their comfort zone.  the quirkiness  of the two characters allowed for the kind of pessimistic tone of the movie to be  lighthearted and for the message to seep into the audience  instead of hitting them in the head with it. 

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