Thursday, February 21, 2013

Love and Desire: Examples from Ancient Art and Archeology

I thought that this  lecture was interesting take on Love and Desire, particularly  because "Art is a natural part of how people express themselves," as Professor Freund had said in his article titled Ancient Religion, Art, and Archaeology:From Sinai to Szyk. I thought this quote really tied into some of the quotes we discussed last semester from Kristeva "love would be solitary because incommunicable." Art is one of the few ways people can express love truthfully, personally, and with no restrictions. Each individual has a unique way to express and interpret love due to past experience and desires for the future. The word love itself  is solitary, the only word in the English to describe the emotion with no variability in its meaning. saying "  I love Pizza" and "I love Bob",  the word love now retains a different meaning for each occasion. the love for Bob is almost undermined by the fact that the same word can be used to describe your favorite food. One piece of art on the other hand,  can be interpreted in many different ways with no limit. Professor Freund also talked about how art is prominent in religion, despite the fact that to some christian and Jews  believe the reproduction of earthly things in an image is a sin. in my own religious and overall experience with art, I believe it is a way to experience something beyond ones self.

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