Thursday, April 25, 2013

"American Dream Dealer"

 The Animation created by Jodie Mack "Yard Work is Hard Work"  was an interesting take on commercialism and the toll it takes on our relationships.  Mack used magazine clipping as the medium for her animation which I had never seen before and I think really contributed to her message, what we see in the media play a large role in what we think we need to make us happy. In one particular scene a relater had said to the you couple "I am your American dream dealer" that line stuck out to me. we all have a personae that we want the world to see, built out of material things. these things become symbolic of who we want to be.  when something obscures the vision of who one wants to be it results in a feeling that what one is left with isn't enough. the stuff become the foundation when it shouldn't be that way. In reality the person we want the world  to see isn't who we are. The couple in this film are faced with this. they jumped into the american dream forgetting to build up there relationship, instead just building up there stuff. in the end the couple is left with financial strain and question of where there relationship stands. another line that struck me was one of the songs the couple sings, "I missed the place I've heard of but doesn't exist"  To me this signifies the "ideal" relationship  that has no place in reality but is very much ingrained in our minds.

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