Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Madame Bovary week 2

Rodolphe's box of "memories" is more like a storage place of his repugnant collection of  his mistresses trinkets  , a mere disposal of his past desires fulfilled. I find it ironic he put his collection in a an old used cookie tin. cookies are a snack one indulges in  when there is a craving for something sweet, its never something one could consume as a meal. cookies aren't  meant to be fulfilling. these women are like cookies to Rodolphe, something to quench his desires but never something that is made to last. instant gratification. the fact that his stores his "souvenirs"  in a used container  is just one more sign of disrespect in regards to these women. To him they have served their purpose and now they are labeled as used items to be disregarded. they are all the same to him, wanting and expecting to much, he's not in it all for the romance; he's in it for the sake of being in a game. He's the personification of  stereotypical "player", viewing woman as pawns, objects of desire- nothing more, and without any forms of true originality, other then the physical possibly unique attributes  they may posses that happen to turn him on. he expresses in part II " Emma was like all other mistresses: and the charm of novelty, slipping off gradually like a piece of clothing, revealed in its nakedness the eternal monotony of passion, which always assumes the same forms ans uses the same language." Rodolphe doesn't even think of Emma as her own person but as a part of a collection of all women; something to be had. he cant even be passionate for woman any more because he has surpassed authentic emotion  and is running on instant gratification and that alone. he leaves her because she starts to expect what he cant offer. Gustave Flaubert clearly uses Rodolphe to be an even less sympathetic character then Emma.

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