Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Madame Bovary Week one

    Emma, to me, represents the fickleness of youth; wanting everything a little to badly, to be part of something exciting and bigger then yourself, and some how expecting it all just to happen, never quite being satisfied and yearning to be completed. she is easily aroused by the "glitter" in life and not bothering to look into the deepth of it. she, like most girls, dreamed of a passionate love affair; like the ones she reads in novels. her desire is always passion and nothing more, she doesn't look to the person and desire to be with them she looks for the possibility that he can supply what she wants, naively thinking that her desire for him will follow. in the being of the novel she quickly realizes that Charles is not giving her what she wants "... acting upon theories that she believed to be sound, she kept trying to experience love."
    Charles in contrast knew what it was to be in a marriage without passion and wasn't overly sad to see his first wife die. this time around Charles is in love with Emma despite her constant pulling away. In some ways, i feel he likes it; to him it makes the moments that he can get just a little bit closer that much more exciting. but his desperation is the very thing that makes her retreat. this reminds me of one of my favorite songs by Grace Potter and the Nocturnal called "apologies"
"My love is like a blanket
That gets a little bit too warm sometimes
I wanna wrap somebody in it
Who can hold me in [her] arms
Cause when it got a little too hot in there
[she] was always stepping out for air and he froze
Oh [she] froze"
Emma wants to escape from the blanket Charles has her under, still youthful she wants to experience life, not wanting to settle. But  Charles loved her the very way she had always dreamed but is to busy looking at the surface of passion, Lust.

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