Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Second half Of Celestina

        In the second half of Celestina Melibea and Calisto consummate their love for each other. they meet up in  the garden in which they first meet at night. the repeat imagery of the garden  relates back to the garden of Eden, that love is paradise and can lead to eternal pleasure and happiness. the two meeting in Garden at  night represents the Garden of Eden, and its promise of eternal pleasure, is a part of an illusion or a  mere shadow of reality. At night we can not see  and need the help of artificial light in order to get clarity. in desire our ideas and morals are obscured and we have this idea that the light of the other person will lead us to something better. in desire we come to obsess and chase after someone in hopes to get tangible pleasure.  
        The fact that Melibea and Calisto meet at night also alludes to our societies ideas that mischief occurs at night, because we can hide with the darkness and don't have the light of day to show us all that is wrong with the picture.                                                                                                                                                                                    
        Melibea says to Calisto " my lord, for gods sake, now I'm all yours, now I'm your lover, you cant deny my love for you or deny me sight  of you. " The two lovers only meet at night for the rest of the novel after the death of Sempronio, Parmeno and Celestina because Calisto is in hiding. I think this is because  the lovers are only able to see each other through the artificial light that the other projects. In this quote Melibea is saying she can not go without seeing him because of her love, which is ironic because what she see him for is an illusion cast by the shadow of night and illuminated by her desire for love.

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