Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Bad Girl

Lilly’s character is constantly undergoing  change, being the women she needs to be in order to further advance toward the women she wants to be . Even as a teenager she knew that best way to be accepted was to be something new and exciting , representing culture and knowledge. As time passed she matured and become the personification of sophistication, something she always envisioned herself to be.  Her successes are a result of the desire of the men she gets involved with, they offer her the world and in return she lets them THINK she is theirs.  Robert frost once said “love is the irresistible desire to be irresistible desired”.  All of the characters in the books we have read wanted to be desired by their love above all, and that was the fuel for them to continue their pursuit; if I make them love me all will be complete. Lilly is aware of this, she never really gives any of the men in her life the satisfaction of knowing that she desires them as fully as they desire her.  Lilly is called the bad girl, but isn't she just living her life to the fullest never letting the reality of it get to her? She does what she needs to do in order to make a life for herself, not complaining but just doing. I’m not applauding the way in which she does this, but I am applauding her incentive.
Lilly keeps Ricardo around because he loves her unconditionally.  Ricardo makes the same mistake Charles and Mathieu made, desiring too much and being blinded not allowing the reality of the situation create clarity. My question is why do we want to be desired so badly, yet when we are desired to much we feel suffocated and often times end up using that person when we need to make ourselves feel better? 

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