Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Annie Enraux

" I behave in an artificial manner.The only actions involving willpower, desire,and what I it take as human intelligence, were all related to this man..." Enraux's perception of time revolved entirely around A. her life became when A was apart of it and an emptiness when he was gone. she no longer had a present, her time spent looking back at the memories of their time together, or dreaming about how they will spend time together once again.  she never knew when to expect him so she became obsessed with preparing. her constant longing and retracing the steps of the relationship was a bit extreme. she had no concept of the life she was currently living and refused to see past their relationship.she knew what they shared was temporary and that his feelings may not be all that strong for her, because what he was there for was sex. but I suppose  the reason she was so obsessed was because she knew at any moment it could end. in more traditional relationships the opposite occurs, you tend to image that the relationship will last long term and in some cases forever. the thought that every encounter with A could be her last caused her to dissect each moment shared, each moment moving forward was lack of time left.this all relates back to our ongoing conversation about desire. desire is an attempt to fill a lack of something, and her lack was time.

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