Tuesday, December 4, 2012

New Yorker Artical, Kristeva and Kissing Jessica Stein

     Kristeva puts it perfectly " [love is] the experience of having been able to exist for, through, with another in mind"  and at the same time  " love is solitary because incommunicable."  when in love the mind begins to open up to life in a way that it never has before, you begin to plan for not only yourself but for someone else; that persons morals and objection begin to matter above your own. one begins to meld into the person they think they  need to be, blurring the already  unclear image of the self. I think that is  why heartbreak is one of the greatest pains a person can know, you have to start over and  are now overcome by self doubt. but love is also held to such a high regard for the very same reason. you get the opportunity to test yourself, step outside of your comfort zone and be someone you never thought you could, like Jessica  Stein. She realized that she didn't know herself as much as she had previously thought, once she accepted this she was able to open up and become the artiest she has been meaning to be, and further more was able to inspire those around her. maybe this is the reason love is solitary, it leads to the experience of letting go and becoming more in tune with the self.
    There are are not nearly enough words to express the emotions of love, so words become inadequate, and physical expression becomes the language.one of the ways to make the solitude of love more like a union between  a couple is acting upon desire. desire can not always  breed love but can love is incomplete without desire.

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