Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Before Sunset: "pain and desire are synonyms of my pleasure "

During the final credits Juile Delpy's song Je T'aime Tant plays and one of the lyrics is "douleur et desir sont synonymes de mon plaisir" which translates to pain and desire are synonyms of my pleasure. this paradox  is a common theme in love and in desire. while love can breed fulling emotions such as pleasure,  it has a price, there must be a degree of suffering. That is often what fuels passion, the angst and constant wanting, but knowing its not a good idea to indulge in ones desires. the two main characters,Celine and Jesse, both held tight the memories of that night. Both are  involved in unfulfilling relationship knowing that the passion in their current relationship will never match the passion of there night together, but there is something that makes them stay.All relationships hold one unique quality that makes them worthwhile, no mater how badly it turned out in the end. Celine says in the movie "You can never replace anyone because everyone is made up of such beautiful specific details."  there is something about the beloved that captivates the lover in the beginning and that is often what keeps them captivated until the end. the collection of those details are hard to forget and will remain beautiful as long as the lover still has the skewed perception of the beloved. this movie proves that passion/desire is not bound by time and it has an everlasting effect like this quote from Madam Bovary states "An infinity of passion can be contained in one minute, like a crowd in a small space.”


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